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The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is a European credit transfer system that allows for accurate accounting of the periods of study of each student taking studies not only at home but also abroad. The SAN University has an ECTS system so that students can also study at foreign institutions without worry. The credit translates into the student's workload. 1 ECTS point is awarded for 25-30 hours of student work, which translates into 30 points per semester, while a whole year is 60 ECTS points. This translates into about 1500-1800 hours of study and learning. Students participating in the Erasmus+ program for the subjects selected and presented in the list must total a minimum of 30 ECTS credits per semester (sometimes there will be program differences to be completed in Poland, and abroad the student will realize less than 30 credits). The number of subjects on the list is therefore variable - usually there are between five and seven subjects per semester.