« back...Free training course in Cyprus

International Cooperation and Projects Department and the LEXIS Project Consortium invite you to participate in a free training course in Cyprus.
You are invited to take part in an international in-service training course for English teachers, language experts and speech therapists with experience in English, as well as students of English Philology/Linguistics.
The training will take place from 5-9 February 2024 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
The course will enable you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in:
- teaching methodology (CLIL),
- needs of children with dyslexia,
- new digital tools,
- the use of Scratch to create 2D games for teaching English.
Requirements for participation:
-participant profile: English teacher/lecturer or student of English Philology/Applied Linguistics;
-interest in the methodology of English language teaching
The training is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus + LEXIS project: Supporting English language teachers to upgrade the teaching and learning of children with dyslexia through the integration of emerging technologies and the acquisition of digital skills, which aims to ensure access and participation of dyslexic children in English language learning and to enrich teachers' methodologies.
Please complete the recruitment form: https://forms.gle/8dUELREwQfhaTypE9
International Relations and Projects Department
An information meeting for participants will be held on 29.01.2023 at 15:00 on the Zoom platform.