« back...Psychological film club for students SAN University

We would like to invite SAN Warsaw Students to participate in the Scientific Group "Psychological Film Club of SAN Students".
The Psychological Film Club of SAN Students is a space for the exchange of thoughts, ideas, points of view, as well as a lively discussion. We believe that films describe the reality around us and that discussion is the best form of sharing knowledge and broadening horizons. Combining these elements, we propose a film discussion club with a special emphasis on the psychological aspects addressed in films.
Goals of the Research Group and plan of activities.

Understanding human psychology and filmmaking
The first step to understanding the psychological impact of filmmaking is to understand the psychology of the viewer. The psychology of the viewer influences not only their opinion of a film, but also their reaction.
This is because each person brings their own set of personal experiences and biases to the table when they watch a film.
A key aspect is the mindset of the viewer when watching the film. It is the filmmaker's responsibility to ensure that the viewer is in a psychological state of readiness to receive the film's message. A film will not have a positive effect on someone who is stressed or distracted, nor will it have the same psychological effect on someone who is relaxed and focused. To ensure the desired effect of a film, filmmakers need to be mindful of the mental state of their audience.

The impact of films on human behaviour
Another important factor to consider when looking at the psychological impact of films is the effect that films have on human behaviour. We are influenced by what we watch, whether we realise it or not. Films have the potential to shape our values and ideals, as well as our sense of what is normal.
When we watch a film, we subconsciously absorb and copy it. We see characters in films doing something and we try to copy that behaviour. From the way the characters speak to the way they dress, we absorb everything, often without even realising it. A perfect example of this is the use of violence in films. More and more films are becoming more violent and, as a result, more and more people are becoming sensitised to violence. We are becoming more accepting of violence and more willing to use it in our own lives.

Understanding emotions and reactions through films
Another way to understand emotions and reactions is to look at how people react to certain types of films. Certain types of films evoke certain emotions in viewers, which can lead to a better understanding of the psychological impact of films and which films are most likely to have the desired effect.
- Adventure films often evoke feelings of excitement, curiosity and optimism in the audience. Adventure films are often set in a new or different place, which appeals to our sense of adventure and desire to explore. Adventure films often involve the pursuit of a prize, which also speaks to our sense of fulfilment and achievement.
- Comedy films often make the audience laugh. Comedy films often contain a humorous situation, which appeals to our desire to find humour even in difficult situations. They also often contain clever reversals of expectations, which appeals to our desire to be clever and outsmart others.
- Dramatic films often evoke strong feelings of compassion and empathy in viewers. Dramatic films often involve a tragic situation that appeals to our desire to feel compassion and help others. They also often involve a strong sense of justice and a desire for good to triumph over evil, which appeals to our desire to do the right thing.

Exploring the psychological power of films
By studying the psychological power of films, we are able to understand which films have a profound psychological effect on viewers. Films that have a lasting and profound impact often do so because they appeal to most of our desires and values.
- Fantasy films often have a profound psychological impact on the audience. In fantasy films, we are often exposed to a different world or setting, which appeals to our desire to explore new places. They also often contain magic or mythical creatures, which appeals to our desire for adventure and excitement. Fantasy films also often involve a strong sense of the triumph of good over evil, which appeals to our desire for justice and the success of good.
- Romantic films often have a profound psychological impact on viewers. Romantic films often contain a strong and passionate love story, which appeals to our desire for connection and romance. They also often involve an obstacle or struggle that two people overcome together, which appeals to our desire to achieve and overcome adversity.
- Tragic films often have a profound psychological impact on viewers. Tragic films often involve a tragic situation or life lesson, which appeals to our desire to learn from others. They are also often associated with a strong sense of justice, which appeals to our desire for good to triumph over evil.

Benefits of exploring the psychological film wheel
By studying the psychological wheel of film, we are able to understand which films are most likely to have a profound psychological effect on audiences. We can use this knowledge to select films that will appeal to our own desires and values.
- Adventure films often have a profound psychological effect on the audience. Adventure films often involve a new or different place, which appeals to our desire to explore new places. They also often involve the pursuit of a prize, which appeals to our desire to achieve and gain a sense of achievement.
- Comedy films often have a profound psychological effect on the audience. Comedy films often contain a humorous situation, which appeals to our desire to find humour even in difficult situations. They also often contain a clever reversal of expectations, which appeals to our desire to be clever and outsmart others.
- Dramatic films often have a profound psychological effect on viewers. Drama films often involve a tragic situation, which appeals to our desire to feel compassion and help others. They also often involve a strong sense of justice and a desire for good to triumph over evil, which appeals to our desire to do what is right.

By taking part in the Psychology Film Group, you can gain useful knowledge that can help you in your psychology or film studies major.
However, it is up to you to decide whether your major will also get something interesting out of our meetings.
We are based on analysing and discussing films from a psychological perspective.
Recruitment to the Scientific Group

Main Supervisor: Marta Bem- mbem@san.edu.pl
Organisers: Michał Sulej, Rafał Szymała
We are not currently planning to recruit. In the event of a large number of applicants, we will consider introducing a limit on the number of participants at meetings and enrolment. Participation will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis.