Help desk

Technical Support

SAN University has an IT team responsible for receiving technical issue reports from students, monitoring them, and providing solutions.


Dear Students,

Before contacting the IT department, please check if the answer to your question is available here:

We continuously update the page with the most frequently asked questions to help you find solutions independently and more quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions for the IT Department

Logging into the Recruitment System

To create an account in the recruitment system:

  • A private email address is required to create an account, receive information about the recruitment process, and later receive login credentials for SANnet and the Student Zone.
  • The password set during the recruitment process will only be used for logging into the recruitment system. (The password should meet the following criteria: at least 8 characters, lowercase and uppercase letters, a number, and a non-alphanumeric character.)
Activation of the Recruitment Account

An activation link for the recruitment account will be sent to the email address provided during the recruitment process. If, after checking your inbox, spam, or "other" folders, you do not find the email with the activation link, and searching your mailbox using the keywords “SAN University” or “SAN” also does not return any results, please contact us:

Phone: +48 517-679-577 

Blocked Account in the Recruitment System

If your account in the recruitment system gets blocked, please contact the Admissions Office at

Problem Uploading Recruitment Documents

First, ensure you are following the instructions available on our webpage (the required documents section on the university website should be provided). If you are following the instructions correctly but still cannot upload the documents, please contact us at

Login Credentials for SANnet and the Student Zone

Each student will receive a separate email at the email address provided during recruitment with login credentials for SANnet and the Student Zone. These credentials may be sent a few days before the start of the academic year.

SANnet Account

Your SANnet account will allow you to log into the following applications:

Virtual University – Check your grades and other academic information:

Office 365 – Access the full, free version of Microsoft Office for the duration of your studies, email, and Teams for online classes:

Online Library – Access IBUK Libra and EBSCOhost:,

SAN Intranet – A collection of useful tools, guides, and password reset options:

If you do not see the email with your login credentials, first check your spam or other folders, or search your mailbox using the keywords “SAN University” or “SAN.” If you still cannot find the login details for the Virtual University, contact the IT Department at

Logging into Microsoft Office 365 Teams

Login details:

SANet Identifier:
Example for students:

Initial password (first login): Sent in an email to the student

Changing Your Password in the Wirtualna Uczelnia (SANnet)

Password requirements:
✔ At least 8 characters
✔ Cannot contain the user’s name or surname
✔ Cannot be the same as a previous password
✔ Must include:

  • Lowercase letters
  • Uppercase letters
  • Numbers
  • (Optional) Special characters
Activating Your Account and Changing Your Password

You can activate your account and change your password:
During your first login at
On the SAN Intranet via this link:

Logging into MS Teams for Online Classes

(Alternatively, a PDF guide can be attached or linked to the university website.)

Installing the Office Package on Your Computer

The Office package is available for download from the Microsoft Office website: after logging in with your student account

After installing the package on your computer, you must log into the program using your student account. The service remains active until the student completes their studies.

Technical Issues and Errors

For any technical issues or errors related to the service or applications, please contact the company providing the service infrastructure directly:


Microsoft Sp. z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 195 A

02-222 Warsaw, Poland

Technical Support:

IT Department - Contact

The IT department is available for SAN University students:


Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM