Online catalogue and collections

Catalogue of the library of SAN

Libra NET
Libra NET

Libra NET - online catalogue of the SAN Library.


Browse all available collections of the library, search for interesting items, View specially prepared lists of interesting books, plates, articles, etc.

Online collections (IBUK libra, EBSCOhost, WBN)

IBUK libra
IBUK libra

IBUK libra — online library and reading room.


IBUK libra is the largest service in Poland for academic textbooks and scientific books in electronic versions. Books selected by the social Academy of Sciences are available in the University network.

EBSCO host
EBSCO host

EBSCOhost - Magazine Search


EBSCOhost is a huge database containing full-text magazines and magazines in electronic versions. A powerful source of information for authors of semester and diploma theses and scientific dissertations.

Virtual Science Library
Virtual Science Library

The WBN virtual Science Library is an important support in research, development and implementation in all fields of knowledge and scientific specialties in Poland, as well as important assistance for doctoral students and students preparing their theses. Non-university password access after registration.