About University
History of the SAN University

The SAN University was established in 1994. Until the end of 2011, it operated under the name Social College of Entrepreneurship and Management (Społeczna Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania); however, the obtaining of an entitlement to confer doctoral degrees resulted in the Institution being granted the right to include the word 'Academy' in its name by a decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The new name of the Institution is intended to maintain continuity while covering a broad spectrum of fields in which education is provided. The SAN University is a nationwide higher education institution. It offers first-cycle and long-cycle studies, doctoral seminars, non-academic post-diploma studies and MBA programmes. Classes are held in full-time, part-time and ONLINE systems. In total, the University offers education in 25 fields of study. The offer is supplemented by numerous courses and workshops, as well as a wide range of student internships carried out by the Academic Career Office with a view to students' future. The SAN University has gained its prominent position on the market through the high dynamics of its development along with the high academic and didactic qualifications of its staff. The University employs more than 500 academic teachers. Some of them hold the title of professor and have a well established position in the scientific community. The professional scientific and teaching staff come from well-known universities, both Polish and foreign. There are also many practitioners working with the Academy who conduct workshops and laboratories to prepare students for practical tasks in their future careers. The SAN University, by adapting its educational offer to changing conditions, has not only been recognised by students, but has also earned many honours and awards.
Mission and Development Strategy of the SAN University in Łódź for 2023-2030
Since its foundation, the SAN University has aspired to be an institution open to new scientific and educational challenges, promoting the idea of modern teaching while respecting centuries of academic tradition, educating students in accordance with the needs of the regional, national and global labour markets. The idea (which is still relevant today) of the Bologna Process, corresponding to the Europe 2020 Strategy, i.e. a strategy for intelligent and sustainable development promoting social inclusion, is of particular importance here. In this spirit, the University equips students with knowledge, skills and social competences in line with the Polish Qualifications Framework. In pursuing a missionary educational process in the broad sense, the University strives to shape students' attitudes in the spirit of respect for human rights derived from the dignity of a human being, patriotism, sensitivity to the fate of society and individuals, respect for the country, its institutions and citizens, tolerance, as well as responsibility and reliability in performing various social roles. It educates students capable of creating new social, cultural and economic values. The present is undergoing far-reaching transformations.
The third decade of the new millennium goes down in history with changes in the perception of mankind and the surrounding reality, pandemics and aggressive wars. The ongoing spiritual evolution of a man, tremendous technical progress, the rush of life and mounting social problems force the question about the role and place of academic centres in the changing reality, under conditions of increasing globalisation and internationalisation of educational processes in Poland, Europe and the world.
The third decade of the new millennium goes down in history with changes in the perception of mankind and the surrounding reality, pandemics and aggressive wars. The ongoing spiritual evolution of a man, tremendous technical progress, the rush of life and mounting social problems force the question about the role and place of academic centres in the changing reality, under conditions of increasing globalisation and internationalisation of educational processes in Poland, Europe and the world.
The SAN University, addressing the challenges of modern times in their entirety, creates its own subjectivity and unique identity by evaluating its own mission and strategy of action and development.
The SAN University sees itself as a missionary institution that is friendly to its staff, students and alumni, as well as to its environment. Its main objective is to serve society by collecting and expanding knowledge and comprehensively educating students so that in their future personal and professional development they can meet the challenges of civilisation in the 21st century. On the basis of the aforementioned vision, the Academy creates its own unique identity and subjectivity and thus builds a mission foundation. Therefore, the University’s vision is constantly intertwined and linked with its mission.
In its mission, the SAN University strives to maintain at a high level the quality of its research and quality standards in the education of students, especially in the sphere of problem-solving and risk-taking as an added value in the professional and personal fields.
We want the SAN University, based in Łódź, to influence the development of today's modern society and economy and to be an attractive place to study, to stimulate students' creativity and entrepreneurship, a place that enables them to fulfil their aspirations.
The University strives to educate nationally and internationally competitive and socially responsible professionals capable of meeting the demands of the next decades of the 21st century, prepared to actively and creatively participate in solving social problems of significant importance and to carry out research - thus serving society and science. In its mission, the Academy aims to become a depository of knowledge and human values, as well as a kind of an incubator of skills, social competences and talents.
Vision for the University's development
The vision for the development of the SAN University, based in Łódź, concerns all aspects of its functioning and refers to its desired state for the year 2030. This means that the Academy is:
- A nationally and internationally recognised and respected centre for new trends and creative scientific thought in selected scientific disciplines implementing research projects of high scientific stature;
- An academic higher education institution, entitled to confer doctoral and post-doctoral degrees, developing high-level research with a strong focus on interdisciplinary research, in line with the latest trends in world science;
- A centre for the promotion of culture, combining tradition with modernity, upholding academic values, free from discrimination and prejudice;
- A centre meeting the challenges of the future of a changing world, operating in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, serving the local, regional, national and European community;
- A centre cooperating with regional economic entities, local authorities and public institutions, determining and supporting development and culture-forming processes in Łódź and in other cities where the Academy branches are located, thus contributing to social, technological, modern business as well as safety and health care development;
- A trustworthy educational centre dedicated to the highest quality at all stages of the educational process, distinguished by its rich and varied educational offer, adapted to socio-economic needs;
- A kind of a business and competence incubator with an eye to the needs of the labour market, especially with regard to the self-development of professional and social skills;
- A place where autonomy, diversity, openness, truth, honesty, integrity, tolerance and responsibility are brought to fruition in a synergistic way;
- A centre characterised by the subjectivity of the academic community - staff, students and doctoral students, caring for working and learning conditions and the highest ethos of employer, researcher, academic teacher, student and alumnus;
- A thriving higher education institution opening new fields of study in cooperation with the social and economic environment and obtaining further authorisations to confer degrees in the fields and disciplines represented at the University.
Strategic objectives for the years 2023-2030
The implementation of the mission and vision for the future of the SAN University, based in Łódź, has been based on five main strategic objectives as priorities for 2023-2030.
- Strengthening the position of the SAN University, based in Łódź, as a significant scientific centre.
- Raising the standards of modern and effective undergraduate, master's and doctoral education.
- Strengthening and developing cooperation with the socio-economic environment.
- Development of the University's social capital and improvement of the management system.
- Development of the internationalisation of the University.
- Strengthening of the strong economic position of the University and modernisation of the scientific and teaching infrastructure.
Achieving the stated strategic objectives requires specific strategic actions and continuous monitoring of the functioning of the various areas of the University's activities. The action areas for the adopted strategic objectives include: