
dr hab. Roman Patora, Professor of UoSS
dr hab. Roman Patora
Professor of SAN University

"We want the diploma of our University to be a lasting value, a reason for pride and satisfaction. The rich and diverse offer of the Academy of Social Sciences in Łódź is a great opportunity for those young people who are ambitious, seriously and responsibly think about their professional and life success."

Vice Rector for Organisation and Finance - UOSS
Vice Rector for Organisation and Finance
dr hab. Zofia Patora-Wysocka
Professor of SAN University
Vice Rector for Development-UOSS
Vice Rector for Development
dr inż. Maciej Wysocki
Professor of SAN University
Vice Rector for Science-UOSS
Vice Rector for Science 
prof. dr hab. inż. Danuta Rutkowska
Vice Rector for Internetional Cooperation-UOSS
Vice Rector for International Cooperation
dr Justyna Fijałkowska
Professor of SAN University
Rector`s Plenipotentiary for Organisation of Teaching-UOSS
Rector`s Plenipotentiary for Organisation of Teaching
dr Krzysztof Kandefer
Professor of SAN University
Rector`s Plenipotentiary for Quality of Education-UOSS
Rector`s Plenipotentiary for Quality of Education
dr inż. Zdzisław Szymański
Professor of SAN University

Warsaw Branch Campus

dr Maciej Dębski, Professor of SAN University

Managing Director of Warsaw Branch Campus