Students with disabilities

Forms of Support for Students with Disabilities

Disability presents different challenges for each individual, but too often, it becomes a barrier to achieving one’s goals. The SAN University does not create barriers—it is an open and inclusive institution for students with disabilities. Therefore, we have established the Office for Students with Disabilities to provide support. The forms of assistance are determined individually based on students’ needs.


While studying at our university, depending on your health condition and requirements, you may benefit from the following forms of support:

  • Scholarship for students with disabilities – For details on the amount, please visit: Scholarships.
  • Sign language interpreter assistance – The collaboration with sign language interpreters is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The interpreter’s role is to provide convenient conditions for students with disabilities during admission processes, academic classes, administrative procedures, and scientific activities.
  • Adaptation of study mode in cases of significant health impairment (individual study plan).
  • Hearing loops for students with hearing impairments, allowing them to receive clear sound during lectures. The university has purchased portable hearing loops, which eliminate noise and interference and can be used with hearing aids equipped with a telecoil (T mode). Lecturers can borrow these devices for classes. The connection process is quick and easy for both the lecturer and the student, who adjusts the settings on their own hearing aid.
  • Assistive technology for visually impaired students – The university provides specialized monitors, keyboards, screen magnification and speech software, and magnifying lamps. These devices are available in computer labs and the Library. Additionally, study spaces can be adapted in any university building upon request.

Responsibilities of the Rector’s Representative for Students with Disabilities

According to the Rector’s Order of the SAN University in Łódź, the responsibilities of the Rector’s Representative for Students with Disabilities include:


  • Advocating for the rights and interests of students with disabilities.
  • Assisting students with disabilities in solving their ongoing issues.
  • Supporting students in completing study-related documents.
  • Preventing discrimination against students with disabilities.
  • Facilitating communication between students with disabilities and the university administration, ensuring accessibility in study programs, technical conditions, and eliminating communication and architectural barriers.
  • Representing students with disabilities before university authorities, academic staff, and the wider academic community.
  • Providing opinions on university decisions related to students with disabilities.
  • Helping adjust the format of exams and assessments to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities.



The Rector’s Representative for Students with Disabilities does not handle:

  • Financial matters related to the student-university relationship.
  • Tuition fees (debts, discounts, etc.) – Students must resolve these matters individually with the tuition department.
  • Scholarship-related issues – Students must handle scholarships directly with the scholarship department.
  • Government assistance programs (PFRON, MOPS) – Participation in these programs is individual and does not require the involvement of the Rector’s Representative.
  • Pension and allowance matters – The Rector’s Representative does not mediate in these matters.

Contact Information

Rector’s Representative for Students with Disabilities
Magdalena Koperkiewicz

ul. Sienkiewicza 9, 90-113 Łódź

Phone: +48 42 664 66 47



Office Hours:

Wednesday 16:30 – 18:00

Appointments must be scheduled via phone or email


All inquiries sent to are processed promptly